To restore mobility


CARTIGEN is a research and innovation platform of the Hospital and the University of Montpellier from the University Hospital Federation REGENHAB funded by the Occitanie Region.

CARTIGEN focuses on analysis and modelling of motion and tissue engineering to better understand musculo-skeletal diseases and develop approaches to restore mobility.


Coordinated by the Pr Christian Jorgensen , the platform provides high-level technologies adapted to innovative therapies and musculo-skeletal rehabilitation.

These technologies are accessible to academic laboratories, clinical centres and industrial partners.

The platform is divided into 3 technical platforms:   


    • Mobility

This technical platform is specialized in movement rehabilitation and musculoskeletal tissue imaging. 

Equipments: ESAOTE GSCAN tilting MRI to image movement pathologies in different body positions, GRAIL for movement analysis and rehabilitation, Xsens to analyse motion in ecological environment by full-body 3D kinematics sensors, isokinetic devices (Contrex) for muscle power analysis and rehabilitation.

Scientific Director: Isabelle Laffont                      Engineer: Gilles Dusfour


    •  Tissue Engineering               

This technical plateform includes a laboratory for the analysis of biomaterials/3D (bio)printing and a cutting-edge laboratory for production of stem cells and extracellular vesicles.

Equipements: A fleet of 3D printers dedicated to tissue engineering applications (FDM, DLP, 2-photons …), several microscopes (confocal, stereomicroscope, SEM and Cryoviz), a cytometer and a rheometer dedicated to soft material.

Scientific Director: Danièle Noël                         Engineer: Matthieu Simon 


    •   Bionic

This technical plateform is specialized in the development of bio-inspired exo- or endoskeletons dedicated to the rehabilitation of mobility.

Scientific Director: Abderrahmane Kheddar

All the activities of the platform are coordinated by Séverine Kremer.




Chrsitian Jorgensen


Séverine Kremer

Cartigen Manager

tel : +33  4 67 33 01 92   
email :


Mobility, Tissue engineering, 3D Bioprinting, Bionic