
Contact informations
Phone : +33 4 67 33 04 75
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Twitter: @DjouadLab
The group members

Farida DJOUAD (DR2/Inserm)

Audrey BARTHELAIX (IE/Inserm)

Gautier TEJEDOR (IE/MedXCell)

Yoan ARRIBAT (Post-doc/INSERM)

Rafael CONTRERAS (Post-doc/UM)

Dora SAPEDE (Post-doc/Inserm)

Candice BOHAUD (Post-doc)

Jholy DE LA CRUZ (PhD student/ENS/UM)

Claudia TERRAZA (PhD student/CIFRE)


Bérénice CIVEYRAC (Master 1 BIOTIN)

Vincent GISBERT (Master 2 MER)



Neuro-musculoskeletal degenerative   diseases 


Hereditary spastic paraplegia

Parkinson’s disease

Cell-based therapy

Acellular therapy  


Mouse embryo

Immune cells



Neural crest cells

Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells

Research topics
Our team is strongly involved in the study of regeneration processes of tissues, organs or limbs in vertebrates triggered by a lesion or an ablation. Some species such as zebrafish have the incredible ability to regain a full replacement of the lost body part throughout their lives. In mammals, while this ability exists in early the embryonic stages, it is lost in most adult tissues. Thanks to interdisciplinary approaches, we have developed in our laboratory various models, methods, tools to study the regeneration process, in the zebrafish (CRISPR-cas9 genome editing, transgenesis, cell and tissue ablation, locomotor phenotyping, parabiosis, cell lineage tracing, 4D microscopy, cell sorting), mouse embryos (ex utero embryo culture, limb ablation, siRNA injection, cell lineage tracing, FACS) and in vitro models (stem cell isolation, amplification, phenotypic and functional characterization, monocyte-derived macrophages, co-culture assays).
Epimorphic regeneration is initiated with the formation of a crucial hyperproliferative and heterogeneous structure called “blastema” whose cellular composition is not yet well characterized. One of the major questions in regenerative biology, which our team is tackling, consists in identifying the molecular and cellular events that initiate and orchestrate the formation of the regenerative blastema. Solving this question will lead to the discovery of new therapeutic targets, which could be used in regenerative medicine.
Degenerative and genetic diseases, in particular of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, are very debilitating conditions for which there is currently no specific treatment. In this context, our group aims at developing innovative cellular and acellular therapies, based on discoveries made in organisms with great regenerative capacities (zebrafish and mouse embryo) to regenerate damaged tissues in humans. To this end, our research activity revolves around two major complementary axes.
The main objectives of Axis 1 are to: 1) decipher the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in spontaneous regeneration processes (zebrafish and mouse embryo), and 2) understand how specific pathological conditions interfere with these processes (zebrafish and mouse embryo).
The Axis 2 aims at treating degenerative and genetic diseases and promoting tissue regeneration using mesenchymal stem/stromal cell (MSC). While MSC have shown clinical promise, their versatility and heterogeneity have hindered their clinical translation. In this light, we are developing innovative strategies to: 1) optimize the immunomodulatory and pro-regenerative capacities of MSC and their derivatives, and 2) evaluate, in vivo, the regenerative and immunomodulatory effects of optimized MSC and their derivatives in experimental models of neuro-musculoskeletal disorders (osteoarthritis, hereditary spastic paraplegia, Parkinson’s disease).

Job offers
Our multidisciplinary team is regularly looking for master’s, thesis or post-doctoral students. To apply send an email to
Group actuality
Le billet Sciences par Anne LeGall : :
Communiqués et Dossiers de Presse Inserm :
Divergence FM :
Elles sont l’INSERM :
Fondation Arthritis :
Pour la Science :
Double Cursus Santé Sciences :
Filière OSCAR :
On going fundings
Prématuration Région Occitanie prEVAMI: Evaluation du potentiel thérapeutique de vésicules extracellulaires de MSC préconditionnées
INSERM “Projet de Recherche International” PRI-MitoMIR: Franco-Chilean initiative for Intra-Mitochondrial microRNAs study as new mediators of mesenchymal stem cells immunoregulatory functions.
ANR-21-CE17-0013 ZEPIKAB: Un modèle pour tester le potential thérapeutique des épidrogues pour traiter le syndrome Kabuki.
ANR-20-CE18-0014 METAB-OA: Encapsulation of metabolically standardized MSC as a novel osteoarthritis therapy.
ANR-18-CE18-0010 PPAR-OA: Encapsulation of metabolically standardized MSC as a novel osteoarthritis therapy.
ECOS-SUD France-Chili: Regulation of mesenchymal stem cell metabolic status to improve their therapeutic potential for rheumatoid arthritis.
FOREUM SEN-OA: Targeting senescent cells in osteoarthritis: an innovative therapeutic approach

Bibliographical references